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Mental Health

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Or so wrote William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, but is Dubai, ever the master of branding, shifting the narrative around mental health by simply renaming, ever so slightly, the rose?

For Dubai Health Authority, under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, has launched the Mental Wealth Framework, backed by a budget of AED105 million over the next five years, which shouldn’t be under-estimated.

This initiative is part of the Dubai Social Agenda 33, which aims to make the Emirate the top destination for living, working, and visiting.

The impact in financial terms of a $28.5 million investment in mental health services should not be discounted, but I’m fascinated to see how the subtle (or perhaps not so subtle) swap of the H for a W will change the perception of well-being in the region.

Changing the terminology from “mental health” to “mental wealth” can potentially shift the narrative leading to several positive effects:

Positive Connotation

The term “wealth” generally has a positive connotation, suggesting abundance, value, and prosperity. Using “mental wealth” may help frame mental health as something valuable and worth investing in, rather than just a problem to be fixed.

Focus on Well-Being and Growth

The term “wealth” implies growth, accumulation, and investment. This can encourage people to think of mental health not just in terms of avoiding or treating illness, but in terms of building, maintaining, and enhancing well-being. It emphasizes proactive care, personal growth, and resilience.

Reducing Stigma

Literally our DNA at mentl, mental health issues often carry stigma, partly because they are associated with weakness. “Mental wealth” can help reduce this stigma by focusing on the positive aspects of mental health, such as the benefits of emotional intelligence, self-care, and personal development.

Encouraging Conversations

The fresh terminology might encourage more open discussions about mental health. Talking about “wealth” is generally seen as a more acceptable and positive topic, which could help break down barriers to discussing mental well-being.

Inclusive Approach

“Mental wealth” can be a more inclusive term that resonates with a broader audience, including those who might not identify with traditional mental health terminology. It emphasises that everyone has mental wealth, regardless of their mental health status, and can benefit from nurturing it.


This framing empowers individuals by suggesting that they can actively contribute to their mental wealth. It aligns with the idea of personal agency, encouraging people to take steps to improve their mental well-being, similar to how one might manage financial wealth.

That all said it’s important to ensure that this shift in terminology does not minimize the seriousness of mental health conditions or the need for appropriate treatment and support for those facing mental illness. The term “mental wealth” should complement rather than replace the traditional understanding of mental health.

But, anything which works to tackle the stigma, we salute. I remember people raising an eyebrow when we called ourselves ‘mentl’ saying that was too edgy, that we should not use the word ‘mental’.

The times are changing

Consider the words of His Excellency Awadh Seghayer Al Ketbi, Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, who emphasised that ‘mental wealth is an integral part of the health and welfare of the community and one of the most important strategic objectives of major cities around the world, especially given the rapid pace of daily life.

‘Achieving this objective requires scientific and systematic intervention to manage the demands and pressures of everyday life and their potential consequences.

‘The initiative supports the goals of the Dubai Social Agenda 33 to establish the most effective and proactive social system in protection, care, and empowerment, and develop a highly efficient health system that meets global standards by promoting healthy lifestyles and enhancing the quality of health, preventive, physical, and mental services.’

While mental health, or indeed mental illness, is never a black and white issue, Dubai’s pledge on mental wealth, on well-being is.

Dubai is putting it’s money where it’s mouth is, and for anyone who has been fighting to move the needle on the conversation, this latest announcement can be summed up in one word…
