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Can you lead with kindness? Is there an ROI to compassion? 

Well one world leader certainly believes so.

“You can be anxious, sensitive, kind and wear your heart on your sleeve. You can be a mother, or not, an ex-Mormon, or not, a nerd, a crier, a hugger – you can be all of these things, and not only can you be here – you can lead.”

These were the powerful words of former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in her farewell address to the parliament in April. 

We put the same questions about kindness to entrepreneur Shadi Moazami, founder and director of MAIA communications agency in the UAE. 

Once criticised for being ‘too mothering’ in her corporate role, she discusses balancing the pressures of the business world having founded her own company with the wellbeing needs of her team, and herself. 

And, she explores on ‘the mentl space’ podcast, the true ROI of kindness. 

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