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In a world where we are more connected but lonelier than ever, family and the sense of shelter it provides has perhaps never been more important.

The latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast features the inspirational Ben Salmi family from the UK, discussing the importance of mental health and resilience while sharing valuable insights from each family member.

The Ben Salmi family are a multiple award winning UK based family of 6 (Sabrina Ben Salmi (the mother), Lashai, Tray-Sean Ben Salmi, Yasmine, Paolo and who are also authors, publishers and international speakers.

This episode shines a spotlight on their unique perspectives and experiences while navigating the challenges of parenting and personal growth in today’s world.

Health is our true wealth

Sabrina Ben Salmi, the matriarch of the family, opens the conversation by emphasizing that mental health is synonymous with our overall well-being.

She states, “Health is our true wealth,” highlighting the significance of prioritizing mental health above all. Her experience with burnout showcases the need for self-care, reminding listeners that even caregivers require time to recharge .

Trey Shawn emphasizes the critical role of financial literacy in achieving personal empowerment and making a meaningful impact in the world.

“If you don’t have your finances in check, then you aren’t able to really take control of your life,” highlighting that understanding one’s finances is essential before one can think about legacy or broader ambitions.

Paolo asserts that in the current materialistic landscape, people often neglect their mental health for physical appearances. He likens this to trying to fill an empty cup while pouring water into the air, emphasizing that mental fitness is fundamental to appreciating our surroundings and the efforts of others.

The power of positivity

Amire emphasizes the vital role of affirmations in maintaining mental health. Drawing on personal experiences, he explains how repeating positive affirmations can counter negative self-perceptions. He reinforces that our thoughts significantly influence our actions, indicating that nurturing a positive mindset is essential.

Yasmin adds to this discussion, noting the overwhelming influence of social media on young people. She shares the importance of recognizing that the curated lives we see online often do not reflect reality. Mental health is impacted by how we perceive ourselves in relation to others, urging individuals not to compare their worth against the misleading images presented online.

Lashai addresses the prevalent issues of bullying and emotional regulation. She champions the idea of expressing emotions rather than suppressing them, promoting the 321 method to regain composure after feeling overwhelmed—a reminder that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be cultivated

Finally, the family collectively emphasizes the importance of open communication. Sabrina expresses a deep concern regarding the implications of social media on her children, advocating for dialogue and genuine connection as the solutions to combating isolation and misunderstandings.

“Together we thrive”

This episode provides a profound insight into the interconnectedness of mental health, familial bonds, and the triumphs over daily challenges.

Each member of the Ben Salmi family contributes a valuable perspective that reinforces the need for resilience, understanding, and proactive engagement in mental wellness.

By sharing their story, they inspire others to prioritize mental health, encourage open conversations, and embrace the journey of personal growth together.